become a user

Investigators interested in marmoset research can gain access to password-protected information provided by the Marmoset Coordinating Center by sending a request via the USER LOGIN button at the top of the website. Users can have a combination of three main functions once this access is granted:

View  Users can view census data and demographic information on marmosets currently in the MCC. Request access>

request  Users can submit applications to request marmosets for their research studies. Find out more>

contribute  Users can contribute by sharing their marmosets or information about them with the MCC. Find out more>

Request animals

The MCC is now accepting animal requests! Investigators interested in requesting marmosets for their research can submit applications via the animal request portal. Investigators must already have user access to the password protected MCC site to submit these applications. 

required information

Applicants need to provide a detailed research statement including 1) experimental rationale and justification for the selection of marmosets, 2) the number of animals and their desired characteristics, 3) proposed methods and investigators' experience with these methods, 4) collaborations, pilot studies and/or publications, and 5) details on animal facilities, capabilities and IACUC approvals. 

Investigators also need to provide information about themselves, their research institution and funding source(s).

Scoring criteria

Initial scoring of applications is done using an automated screening algorithm and those that receive a high enough score are passed on to the Scientific Advisory Board for evaluation. Priority is given to early stage investigators conducting neuroscience research.

pilot study opportunities

Investigators who do not currently have NHP-funded projects for which to request marmosets, can start working with marmosets and gain valuable experience and collaborations through the Pilot Research Programs at the National Primate Research Centers

contribute to the mcc

The MCC is initialized with marmosets from SNPRC, WNPRC, UCSD and Johns Hopkins University, with support from companion grants (U24MH123422 and U24MH123423). The primary goal is to inventory and genetically characterize marmosets that are being used in scientific research throughout the USA, with the ambitious goal to cover all animals in the country.

With this in mind, the MCC is looking to gather information from all institutions who currently have marmosets, whether they are breeding them or not. Contributing does not represent any commitment to share animals or even participate in any sort of research, but it provides invaluable information to the MCC and all investigators interested in using marmosets.

Being a contributor will provide opportunities in the future which will entail, for example, genome sequencing of the animals, the ability to collaborate on funded neuroscience studies, mechanisms for animal and data sharing and more.

Institutions interested in contributing should contact the MCC at for more information.